Five medical delegations reach Palestine
- Posted Category : News
- 26 June 2018
Five voluntary medical delegations, in conjunction with Palestine Child Relief Society reached the West Bank and Gaza with the aim of carrying out complicated surgical operations on children and developing the skills of the local medical cadre.
In Gaza, the Spanish vascular surgery delegation under the leadership of Jose Francisco and his team of three volunteers began medical examinations on patients in the Gaza European Hospital in Khan Younis. This is so that they may begin a number of complicated surgical procedures until the end of this week.
The Norwegian Emergency Medical Association met Dr. Hani Lucius on their third voluntary mission to Gaza. This was to offer advanced practical training in first aid and dealing with injuries to medical students in Al-Azhar University in Gaza City.
In Nablus, a Chile orthopaedic and hand surgery delegation, under the leadership of Dr. Lautaro Campos, and another American general paediatric surgery delegation, under the leadership of Dr. Sabina Sadiqi offered the necessary medical examinations to children in Rafidia Government Hospital. The Chile delegation of four volunteers will then go to Gaza early next week.
In Tulkarem, a Japanese plastic surgery delegation under the leadership of Dr. Daitshi Maryoka are conducting restorative surgery on children and those with burn injuries in Thabit Government Hospital.
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