Machine Makes Prescription Drugs
- Posted Category : News Reports
- 10 August 2016
Machine Makes Prescription Drugs â˜On Demandâ™ Technological advance produced thousands of doses a day; could be used on battlefields, during epidemics, scientists say Scientists have created a compact machine that can churn out thousands of doses of prescription medicationin a day -- putting the capabilities of a drug-manufacturing plant into a device the size of a kitchen refrigerator.Experts said the advance could eventually allow on-the-spot drug production in special circumstances -- on the battlefield, during epidemics, after natural disasters, or in cases where a drug is needed for a rare medical condition, for instance. The research, detailed in the April 1 issue of Science, took a new approach to producing prescription drugs -- which, right now, is often an inefficient, time-consuming process. Chemical engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) used so-called.
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